Trademark Registration Fees in India

Trademark registration fees in India vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the mark. Generally, they cover application processing, examination, and registration. Fees can range from relatively low to substantial amounts, depending on factors such as the number of classes of goods/services, the filing basis, and whether legal assistance is required.

Additionally, some jurisdictions offer discounts or fee reductions for small businesses, startups, or individuals. It's essential to research the specific fees associated with trademark registration in your desired jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the requirements and budget accordingly.

Trademark Registration Fees

Now, equipped with a foundational understanding of the trademark registration process, let's delve into the array of trademark registration fees in India. The cost of trademark registration in India depends on several factors, including:

 1. Application Fees

For Individual/Proprietorship

Physical Filing: INR 5,000 per class

E-filing: INR 4,500 per class

For Small Enterprises and Startups

Physical Filing: INR 5,000 per class

E-filing: INR 4,500 per class

For Others (Companies, LLPs, etc.)

Physical Filing: INR 10,000 per class

E-filing: INR 9,000 per class

2. Trademarks Renewal Fees

Trademarks in India are valid for ten years from the date of registration. To maintain their validity, the registration must be renewed every ten years.

 Renewal Fee

Physical Filing: INR 10,000 per class

E-filing: INR 9,000 per class

Surcharge for Late Renewal

If the renewal application is submitted after the expiration date but before the six-month period has passed:

Physical Filing: INR 5,000 per class

E-filing: INR 4,500 per class

3. Other Fees

Opposition Filing Fee

Physical Filing: INR 3,000 per application

E-filing: INR 2,700 per application

Rectification Fee

Physical Filing: INR 3,000 per application

E-filing: INR 2,700 per application

Change in Address/Name

Physical Filing: INR 1,000 per application

E-filing: INR 900 per application

 Assignment/Transmission Fee

Physical Filing: INR 10,000 per application

E-filing: INR 9,000 per application

Trademark Registration Fees for Proprietorship, Startups, Companies, and LLPs

Fee TypeIndividual/ProprietorshipSmall Enterprises/StartupsCompanies, LLPs, etc.
Application(Physical)INR 5,000 per classINR 5,000 per classINR 10,000 per class
Application (E-filing)INR 4,500 per classINR 4,500 per classINR 9,000 per class
Renewal (Physical)INR 10,000 per classINR 10,000 per classINR 10,000 per class
Renewal (E-filing)INR 9,000 per classINR 9,000 per classINR 9,000 per class
Late Renewal (Physical)INR 5,000 per classINR 5,000 per classINR 5,000 per class
Late Renewal (E-filing)INR 4,500 per classINR 4,500 per classINR 4,500 per class
Opposition (Physical)INR 3,000 per applicationINR 3,000 per applicationINR 3,000 per application
Opposition (E-filing)INR 2,700 per applicationINR 2,700 per applicationINR 2,700 per application
Rectification (Physical)INR 3,000 per applicationINR 3,000 per applicationINR 3,000 per application
Rectification (E-filing)INR 2,700 per applicationINR 2,700 per applicationINR 2,700 per application
Change of Address (Physical)INR 1,000 per applicationINR 1,000 per applicationINR 1,000 per application
Change of Address (E-filing)INR 900 per applicationINR 900 per applicationINR 900 per application
 Assignment (Physical)INR 10,000 per applicationINR 10,000 per applicationINR 10,000 per application
Assignment (E-filing)INR 9,000 per applicationINR 9,000 per applicationINR 9,000 per application*

Process of Trademark Registration

Step 1: Trademark Search

To make sure that no similar or identical trademark already exists, it is advisable to perform a trademark search before filing for a trademark. This step helps avoid potential conflicts and rejections.

Step 2: Filing the Application

The application may be submitted electronically via Intellectual Property India or in person at the Trademark Registry. The applicant must provide details such as the trademark logo or word, class of goods/services, and the applicant's information.

Step 3: Examination

The Trademark Office examines the application to check for discrepancies or similarities with existing trademarks. An examination report is provided, and any concerns highlighted must be addressed by the applicant.

Step 4: Publication in Trademark Journal

If the application clears the examination stage, it is published in the Trademark Journal. This publication invites opposition from the public. The trademark proceeds to registration if no opposition is filed within four months.

Step 5: Registration

A certificate of registration is granted, and the trademark is registered if no opposition is lodged or if one is and it is decided in the applicant's favor.


Trademark registration is a valuable investment for protecting your brand identity. You can manage the complexity and make sure your application is accepted by being aware of the related fees and the registration procedure. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the tips for reducing costs, you can secure your trademark in India effectively and efficiently.

Businesses and individuals may effectively safeguard their brands by knowing the costs associated with trademark registration and the procedure. In addition to offering legal protection, trademark registration significantly increases the value of your company. ensure a seamless trademark registration process and make sure you adhere to the instructions and advice offered in this article.