Trademark Registration

  • 500+ Trademarks Registered
  • No Hidden Charges 100% Customer Satisfaction
  • Seamless Trademark Registration Led by Seasoned Industry Experts
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Trademark registration is the legal procedure by which we acquire exclusive rights over our brand elements, such as names, logos, and slogans—is included in trademark registration. As business experts, we understand the inherent worth of this procedure in building customer loyalty and trust while protecting our brand from infringement and copying.

Our trademark registration services at Taxelgit are dedicated to meeting top-notch business standards. Our expert legal team knows Indian trademark law inside and out, ensuring our business gets the best protection and recognition possible.

Benefits of Trademark Registration

Registering a trademark provides you with specific rights and standing in the market and among your customers. It also boosts the value of your product as customers recognize its name. Once registered, the brand can be protected from being copied. Let's explore the benefits of trademark registration in India.

1. Exclusive Rights As the business owner, you own the exclusive authority to use your brand after it has been formally registered as a trademark. For any goods or services falling under the category or categories for which you applied, you may also use the same trademark.

2. Boost Customer loyalty & goodwill

Once your brand is officially a registered trademark, it boosts customer loyalty and keeps a positive reputation among consumers. Moreover, the company can easily promote its unique features through marketing.

3. Protection Against Theft of Trademarks

Once a brand is registered as a trademark, it cannot be used by any company, person, or rival. On the grounds of trademark infringement, you may file a lawsuit if someone is observed acting in the same way.

4. Helps Your Marketing

A trademark isn’t just a legal mark; it represents your brand and everything it stands for. It helps customers recognize your products easily, which can drive sales and build loyalty without spending extra on advertising.

Trademark Registration Process

The process of trademark registration involves several detailed steps, each designed to ensure that a trademark is unique, legally protectable, and properly documented. Here’s an overview of the typical stages involved in registering a trademark:

Trademark Search

Why: To ensure the trademark is unique and not already registered.

How: Conduct a search using the online trademark database.

Application Filing

Why: To formally apply for trademark registration.

How: Submit the application with the necessary documents and fees.


Why: To verify the compliance of the application with legal requirements.

How: The trademark office examines the application and may issue objections.


Why: To allow the public to raise any objections.

How: If no objections are raised within 4 months, the trademark is registered.

Registration Certificate

Why: Official proof of trademark registration.

How: Receive the certificate of registration from the trademark office.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration

The documents that are required for trademark registration are:

  • Incorporation Certificate, if a company or LLP is to be trademark registered.
  • Partnership deed, if a partnership firm is to be trademark registered.
  • PAN card of the authorized signatory.
  • Aadhaar Card, of the authorized signatory.
  • Form TM-48, signed, is a legal document that permits your attorney to submit your trademark to the trademark registry on your behalf. Our professionals will prepare the papers for signature.
  • The logo of the company is required to be uploaded. Please do not upload the logo in black and white to ensure all colours of the trademark are covered under the registration.
  • You also need to submit the applicant’s name, business type, business objectives, and registration address.

Trademark Registration Fees

Trademark registration fees can vary depending on several factors, including the jurisdiction where you are seeking registration, the number of classes of goods or services your trademark will cover, and whether you use an attorney or file the application yourself. Here's a list of trademark registration fees in different jurisdictions:

ServiceGovernment FeesProfessional Fees
Trademark SearchINR 500As per industry standards
Trademark Application FilingINR 4,500 (individual/startup)As per industry standards
Examination and PublicationIncluded in filing feesAs per industry standards
Registration Certificate IssuanceIncluded in filing feesAs per industry standards

The kind of applicant and the number of classes of goods or services you are submitting for determine the fees associated with trademark registration in India.

Government Filing Fees:

  • A trademark search costs INR 500 as a government fee
    Individuals, Startups, and MSMEs: ₹4,500 per class per application.
    Indian rupee symbol

  • All other entities (companies, LLPs, etc.): ₹9,000 per class per application.

Additional Fees:

  • Trademark search (optional): Attorney fees as per the company and no official fees.

  • Notice of opposition and counterstatement: Attorney fees as per trademark per class.

Renewal fees: Paid every 10 years, vary depending on the number of classes

How Taxlegit Can Help You Register Your Trademark

With Taxlegit, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free trademark registration process, backed by expert consultants who are dedicated to safeguarding your brand's identity and value.

Expert Advice: Professional guidance on trademark registration and protection. Startup Tips: Essential tips for startups to leverage trademark benefits. Comprehensive Support: end-to-end support throughout the trademark registration process.


Registration gives you exclusive rights to your trademark and allows you to: Prevent others from using similar marks that could confuse consumers. Sue infringers in court. File international registrations. Use the ® symbol next to your trademark.

You can use a trademark without registration, but registration strengthens your rights and makes them easier to enforce.

The process varies depending on your country. Generally, you need to: Choose a distinctive trademark. Conduct a trademark search to see if anyone else is already using a similar mark. File an application with the relevant trademark office. Pay fees. Respond to any objections from the office or other parties.

The trademark registration process can take anywhere from a few months to several years.

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