One Person company Registration

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Overview of One Person company (OPC)

A One Person Company (OPC) is a unique business structure introduced in the Companies Act, 2013, aimed at empowering individual entrepreneurs to form a company without the complexity of finding partners. This model allows a single individual to operate as both the shareholder and the director, offering the benefits of a corporate entity while retaining control and simplicity.

The OPC model is particularly beneficial for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs who wish to scale their operations without the burden of extensive regulatory compliance associated with other types of companies. It bridges the gap between sole proprietorship and a full-fledged company, providing limited liability protection and perpetual succession.

An one person company enjoys numerous advantages, including ease of incorporation, fewer compliance requirements, and the ability to convert into other types of companies as it grows. This structure is ideal for individual entrepreneurs seeking to benefit from the corporate framework's advantages while maintaining full control over their business.

Benefits of One Person Company Registration

One Person Company is becoming an increasingly popular business entity because of certain flexibilities and benefits it provides. Listed below are many such benefits which make OPC the most preferred form of business entity for young entrepreneurs:

Separate Legal Entity: Just like a private limited company, despite having a single member, the company has a separate legal entity. It means the company is a separate legal body, distinct from its owner, and can enter into legal contracts and dealings under its own name. Even in cases of losses and debts, the owner is not liable to pay any debts aside from the percentage of its share in the company.

Single ownership: it means the owner is entitled to hold all the shares of the company and pocket all the profit while also enjoying the benefit of total control in the decision-making process. With one person involved in the decision-making process, it leads to less confusion and delays in the process. The owner is neither required to consult with anyone nor answerable for his decision, which makes the whole process smooth and flexible.

Easy incorporation: A OPC is comparatively an easy establishment as it does not require a lot of formalities and paperwork for its formation. The one-person company registration process is simple and can be done online without any hassle. Since it is a single person establishment, the same person can also act as a director of the company, making the process much easier.

Easy investments and credit facilities: A one-person company can have a maximum of 200 members as shareholders, which increases its ability to acquire investments in the form of equity. 

Since a one person company is a legally incorporated entity, all the details and one-person company documents are readily available on the official website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for verification, making it easier for the company to acquire credit from financial institutions.

Perpetual succession: It means the identity of the company will remain, even after the death of its sole owner. The owner is required to appoint a nominee, who will succeed him as the new owner, either after his death or his permanent departure from the company. In this manner, the company can keep running for an unlimited period of time. For perpetual succession, the consent of the sole owner is the ultimate requirement. 

One Person company Registration process

Registration for a one-person company is a simple process, and it can be done online through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal. Here is the step-by-step guide to registering as a one-person company.

Step 1: Obtain Digital Signature Certificate

In the first step, it is important to acquire the digital signature certificate for the proposed owner of the company. It is necessarily required to sign all the one-person company documents during the online registration process.

Step 2: Obtain Director Identification Number

The company has to obtain Director Identification number, which is provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) which serves as unique identification for the proposed owner.

Step 3: Name approval

A name for the company must be chosen. It is important that the reserved name be unique and not resemble any of the existing companies. The applicant can reserve the name from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal by submitting the SPICe+ (A) form.

Step 4: Creating MoA and AoA

A Memorandum of Association is a legal document that specifies the company's objectives and basic details. In contrast, an Article of Association is a document which defines the rules and regulations of the company. Both documents are required to be filled and submitted to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) for approval.

Step 5: Form Filling

In this step, all the above stated documents, i.e MoA, AoA along with DSC of the proposed director, are submitted on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal for verification. After the submission, the PAN number and TAN are generated automatically.

Step 6: Issue of certificate

Once all the one-person company documents are submitted, the respective authorities will do a verification check. If the application satisfies all the requirements, a certificate of Incorporation will be issued, which is proof that the company is now registered.

Documents required for the Incorporation of One Person Company

Setting up a one person company (OPC) involves submitting specific documents to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Here are the essential documents required for the one person company registration

  1. Identity Proof of the Director and Nominee

    • PAN Card: The primary identity proof for the director and nominee.

    • Aadhar Card: Essential for the eKYC process.

  2. Address Proof of the Director and Nominee

    • Passport, Voter ID, or Driving License: Any of these documents can serve as proof of address.

    • Recent Utility Bill: Electricity bill, telephone bill, or gas bill not older than two months.

  3. Residential Proof of the Director and Nominee

    • Bank Statement: Should not be older than two months.

    • Mobile Bill or Telephone Bill: Latest bill showing the address.

  4. Registered Office Address Proof

    • Ownership Proof: If the office premises are owned by the director, provide a sale deed or property deed.

    • Rent Agreement: If the office premises are rented, a rental agreement along with a no-objection certificate (NOC) from the property owner is required.

    • Utility Bill: Recent electricity bill, water bill, or property tax receipt of the registered office address.

  5. Nominee Consent

    • Form INC-3: A signed consent form from the nominee, indicating their willingness to become the nominee director in case of the original director's death or incapacitation.

  6. Director Identification Number (DIN)

    • Proof of application or allocation of DIN for the proposed director.

  7. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

    • A valid DSC for the proposed director and nominee, used for online filing of forms.

One Person Company Registration Fees

The fees of one person company registration in India can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Government Fee: For several OPC registration procedures, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) sets standard costs. They pay for the costs of reserving a name, incorporating, and submitting paperwork to the Registrar of Companies (RoC) that are related to completing your application.
  • Professional Fees: There will be professional fees if you choose to hire a professional, like a chartered accountant or company secretary, to help you with the one-person company registration procedure and make sure you're following the law. The range of services rendered and the professional's level of experience determine these prices.
  • Extra Costs: There are several unspecified one-person company registration costs to take into account in addition to professional and government fees. 
  • Stamp duty: Depending on the applicable stamp duty rules of the state where the business is formed, some papers, such as the Memorandum of Agreement and the Articles of Association, may need to be stamped.
  • Bank fees: one person company registration transaction fees may apply when paying online for professional services or government levies.
  • Notary fees: There may be additional costs associated with notarizing certain papers.

How Taxlegit help in OPC Registration

At Taxlegit, we provide comprehensive services to simplify the registration process for one person companies. Our expert consultants offer:

  • Professional advice on legal and regulatory aspects.

  • End-to-end assistance with documentation, compliance, and registration.

  • Efficient and time-saving registration process.

  • Ongoing compliance and advisory services.

  • Startup tips and strategies to help grow your business.

  • Assistance with funding opportunities through our network of investors.


Yes, a single person can register a company in India under the One Person Company (OPC) framework. The OPC structure allows a single individual to incorporate and manage a company while enjoying the benefits of limited liability and a separate legal entity.

To be eligible for registering a One Person Company, the individual must meet the following criteria: Indian Citizenship: The person must be a citizen of India. Resident in India: The individual must have resided in India for at least 182 days during the preceding financial year. Sole Member: The person must not be a member of another OPC. Nominee: The individual must appoint a nominee who meets the same eligibility criteria.

Yes, you can register an OPC by yourself. The registration process can be done online through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal. However, it is advisable to seek assistance from a legal consultant or a company secretary to ensure all legal and procedural requirements are met accurately.

The registration process for a One Person Company typically takes between 7 to 15 days. This timeframe may vary depending on the accuracy of the submitted documents and the workload at the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The process includes obtaining DSC and DIN, name approval, filing incorporation documents, and receiving the Certificate of Incorporation.

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